import pymonad as pm;
from math import pi,sin,sqrt;


def fFormat(x):
   return ':{0:.3f}'.format(x);

def output(tpl):
   if s=='': s+='<empty>';
   print('y'+fFormat(v)+' # '+s,'\n');
# end def

def toTuple(w):
   return (w.getResult(),w.getLog());


def fAdd(x1,x2):
   return y;

def fMul(x1,x2):
   return y;


def wSin(x):
   return pm.StringWriter(y,'|fSin'+fFormat(y));

def wSqrt(x): # Pre: x>=0
   return pm.StringWriter(y,'|fSqrt'+fFormat(y));

def wAdd(x1,x2):
   return pm.StringWriter(y,'|fAdd'+fFormat(y));

def wMul(x1,x2):
   return pm.StringWriter(y,'|fMul'+fFormat(y));


def wLift(f):
   def lift(x):
       return pm.StringWriter(v,s);
   return lift;
# end def

def wSquare(x):
   return x*x;


if False:
   y=fAdd(2,3); print(y);
   y=fAdd3(2); print(y);

   # * is the composition operator for functions
   comp=fAdd(2) * fAdd(3);
   y=comp(5); print(y); # ((5+2)+3)=10


# >> is the bind operator of the monad

x1=pi/4; x2=1;

y=pm.unit(pm.StringWriter,x1) >> wSin >> wAdd(x2) >> wSqrt >> wSquare;

if False:
   #>>> y:1.707 # |fSin:0.707|fAdd:1.707|fSqrt:1.307|fSquare:1.707

x1=2; x2=3; x3=4; x4=5;

y=pm.unit(pm.StringWriter,x1) >> wMul(x2) >> wAdd(x3) >> wMul(x4);

if False:
   #>>> y:50.000 # |fMul:6.000|fAdd:10.000|fMul:50.000
